Fumigation of food materials
Global Norm uses aluminum phosphide in its fumigation processes, which release phosphine gas, which is a fumigation gas.
_ The fumigation gas is effective in controlling insects at all stages of their life cycle, including eggs and larvae, and is also useful for treating various microbial infections such as mold and fungi.
_ Fumigation is a complex method of pest control and requires in-depth study of many variables in order to ensure safe, legal and effective treatment.
Global Norm provides fumigation services to assist companies, and these services are provided by skilled and trained field specialists with the necessary experience and knowledge.
Risk assessment:
Before providing the service, we develop a plan to assess and manage fumigation risks.
Technical reports are prepared:
The areas of infection are detected, the insect type and life stage of the insect are determined, and the degree of infection is determined, while reviewing the infrastructure of the place and determining the approach and method of treatment.
Storage and transportation of fumigants:
Fumigants are carefully monitored, stored and transported separately from regular pest control materials.
Use of modern equipment:
Global Norm uses modern and ideal fumigation equipment that ensures the success of fumigation operations, in addition to the personal protection equipment provided by its technical team.
Hotline with customers:
:Periodic communication with the customer throughout the treatment period, with quality inspectors being sent to monitor the treated materials and ensure the effectiveness of insulation and leakage prevention.